Brand of Kate Moss has arrived, by Peter Saville in collaboration with typographer Paul Barnes. I rate it 7 but rate Kate 9.9 out of 10. link The Top Shop window in London. Actually, it is not so special! But I still liked the pictures... link
The Copenhagen Catwalk show on last week showing the new sping/summer collections from couples of local designers. Though the show is short, it was still good..and yes, the Spring came already. link
"An Inconvenient Truth" is really a film of awakening the world from the alarming issue of Global Warming. It is more of a lesson than a film. Besides the undeniable facts and data, Al Gore's devotion to telling us the truth is really powerful and thougthful. Seeing this former U.S. vice-president's presentation speech is already great actually! ....As we were enjoying the last warm winter, should we think about the crisis behind that too? Before take any action, please go to take this lesson first. link